Rebecca Southwart
Technical Assistant
LinkedIn Profile

Rebecca studied Chemistry at the University of Oxford and graduated with an MChem in 2022.
For her final year project, she undertook mechanistic studies on the enzyme Isopenicillin N Synthase from an animal genome with the aim of initiating studies as to how and why an animal produces antibiotics.
Rebecca joined Elkington and Fife as a Technical Assistant in September 2022.
Academic Publications
Spectroscopic studies reveal details of substrate-induced conformational changes distant from the active site in isopenicillin N synthase, Patrick Rabe, Carla C. Walla, Noelle K. Goodyear, Jordan Welsh, Rebecca Southwart, Ian Clifton, James D. S. Linyard, Anthony Tumber, Tim D. W. Claridge, William K. Myers, Christopher J. Schofield, Journal of Biological Chemistry (2022/09/01)