Richard Gillard
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Richard has 20 years of experience in a wide range of disciplines, including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, materials, chemical processes, inks and printing, semiconductor fabrication and nanotechnology. He has experience in the full range of patent services, including drafting, prosecution, opposition and opinion work.
He spends a considerable amount of time working for generics pharmaceutical companies and regularly provides opinions to some of the largest generics companies in Europe. Richard has also recently been working with some of the largest law firms in the UK in taking cases from opinions to bringing UK revocation proceedings. He has continued heavy involvement in EPO opposition work. Richard has been involved in a number of multiparty EPO opposition proceedings. He maintains a general portfolio of clients in other areas of chemistry and life sciences, and often sends and receives instructions from a number of large US, Japanese and Korean private practice firms.
PhD - Supramolecular Chemistry - University of Birmingham (with Professor J.F. Stoddart FRS, winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2016)
BSc (1st Class Hons) - Chemistry - University of Birmingham (with year at the École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie, Montpellier)